Cuvie Flavor Announcement - Energy Drink | Candy | Pina Colada

HQD released three new disposable vape flavors in November, 2020! There are now 30 salt nicotine e-juice options to choose from. The e-cigarette factory is constantly innovating their e-liquid menu. You can count on Puffin Vape Shop for the latest updates and most detailed breakdown of all HQD nicotine delivery systems.

Energy Drink Cuvie

Although the pod system obviously does not contain caffeine, you can still enjoy that familiar taste. This is the first energy beverage flavored vaporizer and customers are loving it! Each vape provides 300 puffs of 5% strength salt nicotine flavor. Shop for the brand new Energy Drink HQD pen today.

Candy Cuvie

Candy e-liquid disposable devices are quickly becoming the most sought after option for adult vape-users. Looking to satisfy your sweet tooth and obliterate nicotine cravings? We strongly recommend this delectable treat from HQD. When discussing this category of flavors, it’s important to emphasize that these products are for adults 21 or older ONLY. Get the best deal on HQD candy flavor with our online store. 

Pina Colada Cuvie

Puff on a little piece of paradise with this tropical one-use vaping system. It’s everything you’d want from creamy coconut e-juice. The pod system is reliable, flavorful, ready-to-use, and super affordable. Order HQD Pina Colada Cuvies on Puffin Vape Shop. 

Verification Instructions 

Counterfeiters are trying to ride HQD's success by producing fakes! We are the only website that has an entire section dedicated to educating customers on how to avoid phony disposable vapes. Get all of the essential details to avoid imitation Cuvie e-cigs


  • 3 disposable pod devices per pack
  • One package equates to about 60 cigarettes
  • $14.39 after using coupon code PuffPro10 at checkout 
  • Orders go out to shipping carrier within 24 hours of receiving them 
  • Shipping to international locations with DHL global express - Certified by IATA 
  • Pre-filled and pre-charged - Simply open the pack, inhale, and discard 
  • Capacity: 1.25ml
  • 5% (50mg strength) salt nicotine content 
  • 3.7 Voltage 
  • 7W-12W Power Range
  • Size: 80x20x12
  • Resistance: 2.5ohm
  • Weight: 12 grams
  • 280mAh
  • 30 e-juice flavors in total 
  • 18 of the options are Icy. Learn which flavors provide a cooling finish
  • HQD submitted a Premarket Tobacco Application 
300 puffs5%50mgCandy cuvieCuvie flavorsDisposable vape penE-cigaretteE-commerceE-juiceElectronic cigaretteEnergy drink cuvieFlorida cuvieHqdHqd candyHqd cuvieHqd pina coladaNew cuvie flavorsNicotine delivery systemPina colada cuvieSalt nicotine