Vape Shipping Ban

The ban on vape shipping is a major hit to consumers and businesses. It's important to understand how this new federal law will impact your vaping needs. Here are the main things that vape-users need to know about Bill S-1253.

Vape Shipping Restrictions

  • USPS will be prohibited from delivering vape-mail to consumers, including disposable e-cigarettes.
  • Vaping products will be added to the PACT ACT (Prevent All Cigarettes Trafficking Act).
  • FEDEX and UPS recently announced that they will no longer be delivering vapes.
  • Privately owned shipping companies are expensive and the price of e-cigarettes will increase significantly.
  • Several states have already banned flavors, including New York, New Jersey, Georgia, and others.
  • Adult signature is required upon delivery of any vaping products, which requires consumers to wait at home for their package

Good News - This not an all out ban on shipping vapes. Puffin will continue serving the e-cig community. That said, the vast majority of online businesses won't be able to handle the additional costs and workload associated with Bill-1253.


  • Look for great discounts before vaping products become more expensive or difficult to ship. Visit Puffin vape shop and use code VapeOn at checkout for a major discount.
  • Join to support vaping rights and advocacy
  • ALL vape stores MUST implement an age-checking system. Puffin Vape and others use compliant age verification software.

Rural Areas

People in rural areas will take the biggest hit from this law. Many individuals are nowhere near a smoke shop and rely on e-commerce stores to order vaping products.

Puffin Pushes Forward

Puffin is in the process of finding a new carrier. We’re resilient and confident in our ability to provide a solution for you.

CassaDisposable vape banFedexFlavor banPact actUspsVape banVape shipping ban